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Fengling ZHANG


张峰领,博士,教授,博士生导师,泰山学者青年专家,新加坡国立大学Lee Seng Lip Medal & Prize获得者。2014年和2016年于哈尔滨工业大学分别获得学士和硕士学位,2020年于新加坡国立大学获得博士学位,2020年至2021年任新加坡国立大学Research Fellow2022年入职山东大学土建与水利学院。主要从事冲击/爆炸动力学、超高性能混凝土、3D打印混凝土、固废资源化利用等方面的研究。主持或参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、新加坡国防科技局、新加坡内政团队科技局等资助科研项目十余项。在International Journal of Impact EngineeringCement and Concrete Composites等领域高水平期刊发表学术论文二十余篇。担任International Journal of Impact EngineeringCement and Concrete CompositesEngineering Structures等期刊审稿人,国际防护结构学会、英国皇家结构工程师学会等会员。















2016.08 – 2020.12,新加坡国立大学,土木工程,哲学博士

2014.09 – 2016.07,哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程,工学硕士

2010.08 – 2014.06,哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程,工学学士



2023.11 – 至今,山东大学土建与水利学院,教授,博/硕士生导师

2022.03 – 2023.10,山东大学土建与水利学院,副研究员,硕士生导师

2020.10 – 2021.11,新加坡国立大学土木与环境工程系,Research Fellow



·      超高性能混凝土(UHPC)材料与结构抗冲击、爆炸、连续性倒塌性能研究

·      3D打印UHPC静态、动态力学性能和耐久性研究

·      基于数据挖掘与机器学习的工程结构抗冲击与爆炸性能研究



[1] Fengling Zhang, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Critical parameters for the penetration depth in cement-based materials subjected to small caliber non-deformable projectile impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 137 (2020) 103471.

[2] Fengling Zhang, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Resistance of cement-based materials against high-velocity small caliber deformable projectile impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 144 (2020) 103629.

[3] Fengling Zhang, Amit Subhash Shedbale, Rui Zhong, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Ultra-high performance concrete subjected to high-velocity projectile impact: implementation of K&C model with consideration of failure surfaces and dynamic increase factors. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 155 (2021) 103907.

[4] Fengling Zhang, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Effect of bauxite aggregate in cement composites on mechanical properties and resistance against high-velocity projectile impact. Cement and Concrete Composites, 118 (2021) 103915.

[5] Rui Zhong and Fengling Zhang*. Engineering high-performance cementitious matrices for improved projectile impact resistance with silane, micro fibrillated cellulose and fine calcined bauxite aggregate. Cement and Concrete Composites, 135 (2023) 104835.

[6] 钟锐, 张峰领*. 超高性能混凝土、纤维增强高强及高延性混凝土抗侵彻性能比较. 硅酸盐学报, 49 (11) (2021) 2423-2434.




Fengling ZHANG

Ph.D., Professor

School of Civil Engineering

Shandong University




Dr Fengling ZHANG is a Full Professor at the School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University. He obtained his B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from the Harbin Institute of Technology in 2014 and 2016, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree from the National University of Singapore in 2020 under supervison of Professor Min-Hong ZHANG and Leong Hien Poh. Before joining Shandong University, he worked as the Research Fellow in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore.

Dr Zhang is interested in developing high/ultra-high performance cementitious materials for engineering applications (e.g. protective structure or repair material). His research topics include experimental, numerical and analytical investigation of impact/blast performance of ultra-high performance concrete, 3D printing ultra-high performance concrete, sustainable construction materials and damage mechanics.



Ph.D., National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2020

M.Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2016

B.Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 2014



Nov. 2023 – Present, Shandong University, Full Professor

Mar. 2022 – Oct. 2023, Shandong University, Associate Professor

Oct. 2020 – Nov. 2021, National University of Singapore, Research Fellow


Research Interests:

·      Impact/blast/progressive collapse resistance of ultra-high performance concrete materials and structures

·      3D printing ultra-high performance concrete

·      Meso-scale modelling of concrete

·      Mechanics of materials, damage mechanics

·      Sustainable cement-based materials


Selected Publications:

[1] Fengling Zhang, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Critical parameters for the penetration depth in cement-based materials subjected to small caliber non-deformable projectile impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 137 (2020) 103471.

[2] Fengling Zhang, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Resistance of cement-based materials against high-velocity small caliber deformable projectile impact. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 144 (2020) 103629.

[3] Fengling Zhang, Amit Subhash Shedbale, Rui Zhong, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Ultra-high performance concrete subjected to high-velocity projectile impact: implementation of K&C model with consideration of failure surfaces and dynamic increase factors. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 155 (2021) 103907.

[4] Fengling Zhang, Leong Hien Poh*, and Min-Hong Zhang. Effect of bauxite aggregate in cement composites on mechanical properties and resistance against high-velocity projectile impact. Cement and Concrete Composites, 118 (2021) 103915.

[5] Rui Zhong and Fengling Zhang*. Engineering high-performance cementitious matrices for improved projectile impact resistance with silane, micro fibrillated cellulose and fine calcined bauxite aggregate. Cement and Concrete Composites, 135 (2023) 104835.


Ph.D. thesis can refer to https://scholarbank.nus.edu.sg/handle/10635/184600


(Last update: 11 June 2024)




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