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张然 助理研究员

工程软件系教师,主要从事系统性能、人工智能技术应用等相关研究,开展了包括系统性能分析和优化、大数据分析等工作。相关研究发表在TCCNICWSGLOBECOM等国际高水平期刊和会议上。此外,曾承担IoTJTCCNICDMTVTICC等多个国际高水平期刊和会议的审稿工作,并曾担任IEEE SmartCloud WorkshopPublicity ChairTPC member



2019.09-2024.06 山东大学 软件学院 软件工程 博士

2022.06-2023.05 日本室兰工业大学 科学与信息学系 联合培养博士生

2016.09-2019.07 山东大学 软件学院 软件工程 硕士


l  Performance evaluation of GPS scheduling with self-similar traffic: A knowledge-driven dual task deep learning approach, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. R. Zhang, N. Liu, L. Liu, M. Dong, K. Ota and Z. Yan. 2024,10(2): 510-525.

l  Bridges the crowd: rim chain framework, International Journal of Crowd Science. P. Li, R. Zhang, L. Cui, Q. Li and G. Zhou. 2019, 3(2): 106-116. (通讯作者)

l  Is it fair? Resource allocation for differentiated services on demands, IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). R. Zhang, N. Liu, L. Liu, W. Zhang, H. Yuan, M. Dong and L. Cui. 2022: 355-360.

l  Maximizing Profits with ON/OFF Multi-Server Configurations in Distributed Edge Clouds. International Conference on Cloud and Network Computing (ICCNC 2024). D. Zheng, R. Zhang, L. Liu and L. Zhao.

l  Research on Active Detection Method of Network Congestion, IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). R. Zhang, J. Zhang, L. Liu, Z. Yan and M. Dong. 2022: 4685-4690.

l  Performance Modeling of a General GPS Scheduling Under Long Range Dependent Traffic, (IEEE ISPA/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom). R. Zhang, L. Liu, X. Lu, Z. Yan and H. Li. 2020: 683-689.

l  Answer Aggregation of Crowdsourcing Employing an Improved EM-Based Approach. Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing(ICA3PP 2018). R. Zhang, L. Liu, L. Cui, W. He and H. Li. 2018: 280-290.



  IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoTJ)

l  IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (TCCN)

  IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT)

  IEEE Transactions on Big Data

l  IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

  IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)



  IEEE SmartCloud Workshop, Publicity Chair, 2024

l  IEEE SmartCloud Workshop, TPC member, 2024





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