王冀鹏 Prof. WANG Ji-Peng
(For English version go to the end )
2006-2010 四川大学,水利水电工程专业,学士
2009-2010 英国诺丁汉大学,土木工程,硕士 (一等荣誉学位)
2010-2015 英国诺丁汉大学,岩土工程,博士
2011-2015 英国诺丁汉大学,教学助理(兼职)
2015-2018 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学,博士后研究员
2018至今 山东大学,教授、博导
2022-2024 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作专项, “气候变化背景下植被与土的相互作用” (主持)
2021-2026 国家海外引进高层次青年人才项目, “多相岩土材料微宏观力学” (主持)
2021-2024 企业委托-基于无人机的基础设施智慧运维技术项目 (主持)
2021-2022 中国国家自然科学基金, 国际合作与交流项目, “基于微观尺度毛细作用和交界面张力效应的非饱和土力学研究” (主持)
2020-2022 中国国家自然科学基金, “非饱和土中气固液三相交界面的微观作用机理研究” (主持)
2020-2022 无锡市鸿山(国家)考古遗址公园, “邱承墩大墓变形监测” (主持)
2019-2024 山东省政府泰山学者青年专家科研项目 (主持)
2018-2023 山东大学齐鲁青年学者科研项目 (主持)
2015-2018 比利时国家科学基金项目, “Micro-Macro study of the capillarity effects on mechanical behaviour of granular materials” (主研)
2015-2018 比利时联邦科技政策办公室IAP项目, “Micromanipulation and microfluidics: multiscale applications of surface tension” (参与)
2010-2014 英国诺丁汉大学工学部长卓越奖学金博士研究项目 (主持)
Wang JP, Li MC, Qi M, Ge SQ, Dadda A*. Micro-macro investigation on bio-cemented sand under different grouting saturation: an effective enhancement method[J]. GEOMECHANICS FOR ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2024 (12): GETE-D-23-00373. (Accepted)
Wang JP*, Liu TT, Wang SH, Luan J J, Dadda A (2023) Investigation of porosity variation on water retention behaviour of unsaturated granular media by using pore scale Micro-CT and lattice Boltzmann method. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 626: 130161. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130161.
Wang JP*, Sha JF, Gao XG, Dadda A, Qi M. Experimental investigation of the microscopic interaction mechanism between sand and tall festuca roots by using X-ray microtomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA, 2023. (under review)
栾纪元, 王冀鹏*. 基于4D显微成像的非饱和颗粒土微观力学与渗流试验研究[J/OL]. 岩土力学, 2023(11): 1-9[2023-11-02]. Doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2023.1054.
Li MC, Luan JY, Gao XG, Wang JP*, Dadda A (2023) A micro-investigation on water bridge effects for unsaturated granular materials with constant water content by discrete element method. PARTICUOLOGY 83: 50-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.02.006.
Wang JP*, Luan JY, Gao XG, Liu TH, Andò E, François B (2022) A micro-investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial compression based on micro-CT image analysis. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 17(11): 4799-4821. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-022-01658-7.
Gao XG, Sha JF, Luan JY, Li MC, Wang JP* (2022) A triple-source CT system for micro-scale investigation of geological materials: A simulation study. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES 190. Doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110510.
Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2020) From Basic Particle Gradation Parameters to Water Retention Curves and Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 20(6). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677.
Cui XZ, Zhang XN, Wang JP*, Zhang J, Qi H, Li J (2020) X-ray CT based clogging analyses of pervious concrete pile by vibrating-sinking tube method. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 262. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120075.
Wang JP*, Lambert P, De Kock T, Cnudde V, François B (2019) Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 14(5): 1545-1559. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2.
Wang JP*, Andò E, Charrier P, Salager S, Lambert P, François B (2019) Micro-scale investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS 9(4): 269-277. Doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00214.
Wang JP*, Zeng GH, Yu HS (2019) A DEM investigation of water-bridged granular materials at the critical state. COMPUTATIONAL PARTICLE MECHANICS 6(4): 637-655. Doi: 10.1007/s40571-019-00243-2.
Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2018) A micro-macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet granular materials. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 13(3): 513-533. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-017-0619-0.
Wang JP*, Hu N, François B, Lambert P (2017) Estimating water retention curves and strength properties of unsaturated sandy soils from basic soil gradation parameters. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(7): 6069-6088. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020411.
Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2017) Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional analysis. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(9): 8127-8134. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020888.
Wang JP*, Gallo E, François B, Gabrieli F, Lambert P (2017) Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies. POWDER TECHNOLOGY 305: 89-98. Doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060.
Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2017) Stress-Force-Fabric Relationship for Unsaturated Granular Materials in Pendular States. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 143 (9). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001283.
Wang JP* (2017) Force Transmission Modes of Non-Cohesive and Cohesive Materials at the Critical State. MATERIALS 10 (9). Doi: 10.3390/ma10091014.
Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2015) A micromechanical interpretation of the capillary effect of unsaturated granular material in a pendular state. Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, 1563-1568.
邱焕翔, 翟虎, 王冀鹏*, 葛尚奇, 吴林. 基于无人机航摄的地质踏勘及风险评估. 科学技术与工程, 2024. (录用待刊)
王冀鹏; 马永健; 张安金; 高旭光; 邱焕翔; 苏帅康; 一种便于深孔安装基质吸力传感器的装置及方法, 2023-09-12,中国, ZL202311006779.3. (发明专利, 已授权)
王冀鹏; 高旭光; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 沙俊锋; 齐萌; 一种工业CT快速扫描系统及方法, 2022-11-22, 中国, ZL202110124424.9. (发明专利, 已授权)
王冀鹏; 施淑垚; 赵宇翔; 鲁嘉祺; 张晋; 崔志聪; 欧阳伟奇; 一种植被边坡抗冲刷试验, 2022-08-02, 中国, ZL202110255552.7. (发明专利, 已授权)
王冀鹏; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 谭怡然; 适用于CT扫描的植物根系吸水过程试验装置及方法, 2021-12-10, 中国, ZL202011446926.5. (发明专利, 已授权)
王冀鹏; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 栾纪元; 适用于工业CT扫描的微型土水特征曲线试验装置及方法, 2021-04-09, 中国, ZL201910778457.8. (发明专利, 已授权)
王冀鹏; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 适用工业CT扫描的微型温控非饱和土三轴试验仪及方法, 2021-01-12, 中国, ZL201910778356.0. (发明专利, 已授权)
王冀鹏; 邱焕翔; 翟虎; 陈晓辉; 一种基于无人机的混凝土超声波探伤装置及方法, 2023-04-07, 中国, CN115932048A. (发明专利, 实审)
王冀鹏; 高旭光; 马永健; 栾纪元; 李梦晨; 欧阳伟奇; 赵宇翔; 高田田; 吴柳云; 杨柳; 一种草本植被冠层截留监测试验装置及方法, 2023-02-03, 中国, CN115684495A. (发明专利, 实审)
王冀鹏; 齐萌; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 适用于CT扫描的微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀试验装置及方法, 2022-05-30, 中国, CN2022105992722. (发明专利, 实审)
Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-09-22, US 17/505, 082. (美国发明专利, 已授权)
Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-03-14, 2029620. (荷兰发明专利, 已授权)
Jipeng Wang; Jiyuan Luan; Taiheng Liu; Yiran Tan; Miniature temperature-controlled triaxial tester for testing unsaturated soil suitable for micro-computed tomography (ct) scanning and method, 2020-08-26, 美国, US11119056B2. (美国发明专利, 已授权)
电子邮箱: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn 或 ji-peng.wang@outlook.com
Prof. Ji-Peng WANG
Head of the Department of Hydraulic Engineering
Professor in Geomechancis and Hydraulic Engineering
National Talent Plan for Oversea Young Scholars
Taishan Scholar of Shandong Province (Young Professional)
Qilu Young Scholar of Shandong University
International Collaboration Ambassador of Shandong University
Research Areas: micro-macro mechanics of geo-materials, ecological geotechnical engineering, UAV based smart maintenance of infrastructures, earthen ruins and masonry heritage conservation, etc.
Email: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn
2006-2010 Sichuan University, China, BEng
BEng in Hydraulic and Hydro-electric Engineering.
2009-2010 University of Nottingham, UK, MSc (with distinction)
MSc in Civil Engineering: Geotechnical Engineering
2011-2015 University of Nottingham, UK, PhD
PhD in Geomechanics
Working Experience:
2011-2015 University of Nottingham, Teaching Assistant (part-time)
2015-2018 Université Libre de Bruxelles, Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Funded by FNRS and collaborated with Ghent University and Université Grenoble Alpes (Lab 3SR)
2018-now Shandong University, Professor
Research Interests:
Micro-macro mechanics of geo-materials
DEM modelling and coupling with multiphase fluid
Three dimensional analysis of high-resolution micro-CT
Hydraulic and mechanical behaviours of unsaturated geomaterials
Ecological geotechnical engineering
Rainfall infiltration effects on slope hydrology and stability
Vegetation and soil-root interactions under the context of climate change
Microbial-induced carbonate precipitation (MICP) reinforcement technology
UAV based infrastructure intelligent operation and maintenance
Earthen ruins and masonry heritage conservation
Research Projects:
2022-2024 China Key R & D plan: “Interactions between plant and soil on the context of climate change” (PI)
2021-2023 China National Young Talent Programme: “Micro-Macro Mechanics of Multi-phase Geomaterials” (PI)
2022-2025 Shandong University-Bowee Vision UAV based Infrastructure Intelligent Operation and Maintenance Research Centre Project (PI)
2021-2022 NSFC-FNRS joint project: “Unsaturated soil mechanics from capillary and surface tension effects at microscale” (PI)
2020-2022 NSFC research project: “A micro-investigation on the air-water-solid interface effects in unsaturated soils” (PI)
2020-2022 Wuxi Hongshan (National) Archaeological Site Park: "Qiuchengdun Tomb Deformation Monitoring" (PI)
2019-2024 Research project of the Taishan Scholar Programme of Shandong Province (Young Professional Programme) (PI)
2018-2023 Research project of the Qilu Young Scholar Programme of Shandong University (PI)
2015-2018 FNRS project: “Micro-Macro study of the capillarity effects on mechanical behaviour of granular materials” (main researcher)
2015-2018 BELSPO IAP project: “Micromanipulation and microfluidics: multiscale applications of surface tension” (involved)
2010-2014 Research project of the Dean’s Scholarship of University of Nottingham (prize holder)
Academic Services:
Member of International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Senior Member of Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society
Member of China Civil Engineering Society
International Collaboration Ambassador of Shandong University
Reviewer for leading international journals including: Géotechnique, Water Resources Research, Acta Geotechnica, Powder Technology, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, International Journal of Geomechanics, Transport in Porous Media, etc.
Selective Publications:
Wang JP, Li M, Qi M, Ge S, Dadda A*. Micro-macro investigation on bio-cemented sand under different grouting saturation: an effective enhancement method[J]. GEOMECHANICS FOR ENERGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2023 (12): GETE-D-23-00373. (Accepted)
Wang JP *, Liu T, Wang S, Luan J, Dadda A (2023) Investigation of porosity variation on water retention behaviour of unsaturated granular media by using pore scale Micro-CT and lattice Boltzmann method. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY 626: 130161. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.130161.
Wang JP*, Sha JF, Gao XG, Dadda A, Qi M,. Experimental investigation of the microscopic interaction mechanism between sand and tall festuca roots by using X-ray microtomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA, 2023. (under review)
栾纪元, 王冀鹏*. 基于4D显微成像的非饱和颗粒土微观力学与渗流试验研究[J/OL]. 岩土力学, 2023(11): 1-9[2023-11-02]. Doi: 10.16285/j.rsm.2023.1054.
Li MC, Luan JY, Gao XG, Wang JP*, Dadda A (2023) A micro-investigation on water bridge effects for unsaturated granular materials with constant water content by discrete element method. PARTICUOLOGY 83: 50-62. Doi: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.02.006.
Wang JP*, Luan JY, Gao XG, Liu TH, Andò E, François B (2022) A micro-investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial compression based on micro-CT image analysis. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 17(11): 4799-4821. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-022-01658-7.
Gao XG, Sha JF, Luan JY, Li MC, Wang JP* (2022) A triple-source CT system for micro-scale investigation of geological materials: A simulation study. APPLIED RADIATION AND ISOTOPES 190. Doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2022.110510.
Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2020) From Basic Particle Gradation Parameters to Water Retention Curves and Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Granular Soils. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS 20(6). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001677.
Cui XZ, Zhang XN, Wang JP*, Zhang J, Qi H, Li J (2020) X-ray CT based clogging analyses of pervious concrete pile by vibrating-sinking tube method. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS 262. Doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120075.
Wang JP*, Lambert P, De Kock T, Cnudde V, François B (2019) Investigation of the effect of specific interfacial area on strength of unsaturated granular materials by X-ray tomography. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 14(5): 1545-1559. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-019-00765-2.
Wang JP*, Andò E, Charrier P, Salager S, Lambert P, François B (2019) Micro-scale investigation of unsaturated sand in mini-triaxial shearing using X-ray CT. GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS 9(4): 269-277. Doi: 10.1680/jgele.18.00214.
Wang JP*, Zeng GH, Yu HS (2019) A DEM investigation of water-bridged granular materials at the critical state. COMPUTATIONAL PARTICLE MECHANICS 6(4): 637-655. Doi: 10.1007/s40571-019-00243-2.
Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2018) A micro-macro investigation of the capillary strengthening effect in wet granular materials. ACTA GEOTECHNICA 13(3): 513-533. Doi: 10.1007/s11440-017-0619-0.
Wang JP*, Hu N, François B, Lambert P (2017) Estimating water retention curves and strength properties of unsaturated sandy soils from basic soil gradation parameters. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(7): 6069-6088. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020411.
Wang JP*, François B, Lambert P (2017) Equations for hydraulic conductivity estimation from particle size distribution: A dimensional analysis. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 53(9): 8127-8134. Doi: 10.1002/2017WR020888.
Wang JP*, Gallo E, François B, Gabrieli F, Lambert P (2017) Capillary force and rupture of funicular liquid bridges between three spherical bodies. POWDER TECHNOLOGY 305: 89-98. Doi: 10.1016/j.powtec.2016.09.060.
Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2017) Stress-Force-Fabric Relationship for Unsaturated Granular Materials in Pendular States. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MECHANICS 143 (9). Doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0001283.
Wang JP* (2017) Force Transmission Modes of Non-Cohesive and Cohesive Materials at the Critical State. MATERIALS 10 (9). Doi: 10.3390/ma10091014.
Wang JP*, Li X, Yu HS (2015) A micromechanical interpretation of the capillary effect of unsaturated granular material in a pendular state. Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics,1563-1568.
邱焕翔, 翟虎, 王冀鹏*, 葛尚奇, 吴林. 基于无人机航摄的地质踏勘及风险品谷. 科学技术与工程, 2024. (录用待刊)
Invention Patents:
王冀鹏; 马永健; 张安金; 高旭光; 邱焕翔; 苏帅康; 一种便于深孔安装基质吸力传感器的装置及方法, 2023-09-12, 中国, ZL202311006779.3. (Invention patent, authorized)
王冀鹏; 高旭光; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 沙俊锋; 齐萌; 一种工业CT快速扫描系统及方法, 2022-11-22, 中国, ZL202110124424.9. (Invention patent, authorized)
王冀鹏; 施淑垚; 赵宇翔; 鲁嘉祺; 张晋; 崔志聪; 欧阳伟奇; 一种植被边坡抗冲刷试验, 2022-08-02, 中国, ZL202110255552.7. (Invention patent, authorized)
王冀鹏; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 谭怡然; 适用于CT扫描的植物根系吸水过程试验装置及方法, 2021-12-10, 中国, ZL202011446926.5. (Invention patent, authorized)
王冀鹏; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 栾纪元; 适用于工业CT扫描的微型土水特征曲线试验装置及方法, 2021-04-09, 中国, ZL201910778457.8. (Invention patent, authorized)
王冀鹏; 栾纪元; 刘太衡; 谭怡然; 适用工业CT扫描的微型温控非饱和土三轴试验仪及方法, 2021-01-12, 中国, ZL201910778356.0. (Invention patent, authorized)
王冀鹏; 邱焕翔; 翟虎; 陈晓辉; 一种基于无人机的混凝土超声波探伤装置及方法, 2023-04-07, 中国, CN115932048A. (Invention patent, under review)
王冀鹏; 高旭光; 马永健; 栾纪元; 李梦晨; 欧阳伟奇; 赵宇翔; 高田田; 吴柳云; 杨柳; 一种草本植被冠层截留监测试验装置及方法, 2023-02-03, 中国, CN115684495A. (Invention patent, under review)
王冀鹏; 齐萌; 沙俊锋; 高旭光; 适用于CT扫描的微生物诱导碳酸钙沉淀试验装置及方法, 2022-05-30, 中国, CN2022105992722. (Invention patent, under review)
Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-09-22, US 17/505, 082. (America invention patent, authorized)
Jipeng Wang; Xu-Guang Gao; Ji-Yuan Luan; Tai-Heng Liu; Jun-Feng Sha; Meng-Qi. A Fast Industrial CT Scanning System and Method. 2023-03-14, 2029620. (Netherlands invention patent, authorized)
Jipeng Wang; Jiyuan Luan; Taiheng Liu; Yiran Tan; Miniature temperature-controlled triaxial tester for testing unsaturated soil suitable for micro-computed tomography (ct) scanning and method, 2020-08-26, US, US11119056B2. (America invention patent, authorized)
Recruitment Information:
Students (and international students) with qualitative backgrounds in geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, hydraulic engineering and other relevant areas are welcomed to apply for master, PhD and postdoctoral positions!
Address: Tudong Building 414, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, 17922 Jingshi Road, Jinan 250061, China
Email: ji-peng.wang@sdu.edu.cn or ji-peng.wang@outlook.com