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主要从事非饱和土力学和多场耦合条件下岩土结构灾变演化机理与防控技术研究。在非饱和土热-水力多场耦合机理及本构模型、地热能源结构(能源桩、能源隧道等)热水力特性响应机制与评估方法等方面取得了创新成果。共发表SCI/EI期刊论文30余篇,其中以第一作者在岩土工程领域三大国际顶刊《Géotechnique》、《Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE)》、《Canadian Geotechnical Journal》以及《Computers and Geotechnics》等权威期刊上发表十余篇。同时,担任Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE)Canadian Geotechnical Journal以及Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering等十余个岩土工程领域国际权威SCI期刊的通讯审稿专家。

荣获香港工程师学会(HKIE)颁发的2023-2024年度香港工程师学会余錫萬优秀博士论文奖HKIE Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geotechnical Studies),该奖项表彰香港岩土工程领域年度最佳博士论文。主持或参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划以及香港研资局重大专项等项目。


·         2012-2016  中国农业大学,学士

·         2016-2019  山东大学,硕士

·         2019-2023  香港理工大学,博士


·         2022.9-2023.1香港理工大学,研究助理

·         2023.1-2025.1香港理工大学,博士后

·         2025.1至今  山东大学,教授、博导


·         非饱和土力学与本构模型

·         地下能源结构(能源桩、能源隧道等)热水力耦合特性

·         气候变化条件下路基工程多场耦合灾变演化机理

·         机器学习、无网格化高性能数值模拟


·         S.Q. Cui and C. Zhou (2025), “Thermally induced displacement of soil-structure interface at saturated and unsaturated conditions”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal (Accepted).岩土工程领域国际顶刊

·         S.Q. Cui, C. Zhou, Q.Y. Mu, H.F. Pei and J.H. Yin (2024), “Coupled effects of temperature and suction on the shear behaviour of saturated and unsaturated clayey sand-structure interfaces”, Géotechnique, 75 (2): 278-290. DOI:10.1680/jgeot.22.00404. 岩土工程领域国际顶刊

·         S.Q. Cui and C. Zhou (2024), “A thermo-mechanical model for saturated and unsaturated soil-structure interfaces”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 61(12): 2615-2631. DOI: 10.1139/cgj-2023-0529.岩土工程领域国际顶刊

·         S.Q. Cui, C. Zhou, C. Shi and H. Lu (2024), “Thermo-mechanical behaviour of energy piles with different roughness values in unsaturated soil”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE), 150 (5): 04024035. DOI: 10.1061/JGGEFK.GTENG-11735. ((岩土工程领域国际顶刊

·         S.Q. Cui, C. Zhou, J.Q. Liu and D.B. Akinniyi (2023), “Stress effects on thermal conductivity of soils and heat transfer efficiency of energy piles in the saturated and unsaturated soils”, Computers and Geotechnics, 160: 105549. DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2023.105549.

·         S.Q. Cui and C. Zhou (2022), “Coupled effects of stress state and void ratio on thermal conductivity of saturated soils”, Géotechnique Letters, 12 (2): 1-6. DOI: 10.1680/jgele.22.00001.

·         S.Q. Cui, C. Zhou and J.H. Zhang (2022), “Experimental Investigations on the State-Dependent Thermal Conductivity of Sand-Rubber Mixtures”, Journal of materials in civil engineering (ASCE), 34 (3), 04021492. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0004133.

·         X.Z. Cui, S.Q. Cui, Q. Jin, Y.L. Wang, L. Zhang and Z.X. Wang (2018), “Laboratory Tests on the Engineering Properties of Sensor-enabled Geobelts (SEGB)”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 46 (1), 66-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2017.10.004.

·         X.Z. Cui, S.Q. Cui, T. Lu, L. Zhang, Y.L. Wang and J. Li (2018), “Evaluation of the Performance of Sensor-enabled Geobelts After Cyclic Loading”, Construction & Building Materials, 185 (10), 414-422. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.07.046.

·         X.Z. Cui, S.Q. Cui, Y.L. Wang and J. Li (2018), “Laboratory tests on the engineering properties of sensor-enabled geobelts (SEGB)”- A reply to the discussion, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 46 (5), 681-683. DOI: 10.1016/j.geotexmem.2018.06.002.


·         世界交通运输大会(2024 WTC)学部委员会青年委员(土的特性与本构关系技术委员会)


·         2023-2024香港工程师学会余錫萬优秀博士论文奖(2023-2024 HKIE Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geotechnical Studies

·         国际华人基础设施工作者协会2019年优秀研究生奖一等奖(2019 IACIP Outstanding Graduates Student Award 1st Prize)(国际奖)


·         通讯地址:山东省济南市经十路17922号山东大学千佛山校区土建与水利学院

·         邮编:250061

·         电子邮箱: cuisq@sdu.edu.cnsheqiang.cui@connect.polyu.hk



上一条:张楠 下一条:王炳雷


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